Analisis Pengaruh Imbal Hasil Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah, Likuiditas, Leverage, Asset Turnover, dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Pendapatan Obligasi Syariah Mudharabah dan Ijarah (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Penerbit Obligasi Syariah yang Terdaftar
Sri Mulyati, Trisandi Eka Putri, Siti Rohmah Fatimah


This study aims to analyze the influence of profit-sharing Bank Indonesia Certificates

Sharia  (SBIS),  liquidity,  leverage,  asset  turnover,  and  profitability  to  the  mudharabah  and

ijarah islamic bonds revenue. The study population was a company issuing islamic bonds listed

in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2014 that reported complete and published of financial

statement. The technique of sample selection used purposive sampling. Sample that according

with  the  criteria  was  2  company  issuing  mudharabah  islamic  bond  and  4  company  issuing

ijarah  islamic  bond.  Test  in  this  study  using  multiple  linear  regression  test  which  includes

classic  assumption  test,  analysis  coefficient  of  determination  (R2),  t  test  and  F  test  and  to

analyze the data using SPSS version 22.

These results of this study indicate partially bring liquidity and leverage is a significant

effect  on  mudharabah  islamic  bod  revenue,  then  profit-sharing  SBIS,  asset  turnover  and

profitability  is  not  a  significant  effect  on  mudharabah  islamic  bond  revenue.  Simultaneously

profit-sharing SBIS, liquidity, leverage, asset turnover and profitability has a significant effect

on  mudharabah  islamic  bond  revenue.  Then  the  variables  that  affect  ijarah  islamic  bond

revenue is liquidity, asset turnover and profitability, while profit-sharing SBIS and leverage has

not    effect.  Simultaneously  profit-sharing  SBIS,  liquidity,  leverage,  asset  turnover  and

profitability has a significant effect on ijarah islamic bond revenue.


Keywords:  Islamic Bonds Revenue, profit-sharing Bank Indonesia Certificates Sharia (SBIS),

liquidity, leverage, asset turnover and profitability.


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